Young Adult Psychotherapy

Carving Out Your Own Path Can Be a Challenge

Are you someone just starting out in the professional world, looking to advance or looking to make a change in your career? Do you feel stuck in your personal or professional life, uncertain how to achieve the goals you set years ago? Has a recent change in your life or in how you see yourself caused you to feel disconnected from those around you or left you uncertain about how to proceed? Are you struggling to strike a comfortable balance between your professional aspirations, your relationship goals, and your own interests?

Being a young adult and a young professional means exploring new opportunities, trying things you’ve never experienced, and beginning to feel more comfortable with who you are. To others it may seem like you have things figured out — you’re going on dates, you may have found your dream job — but on the inside, you’re struggling to balance it all. This can be even more difficult due to the unique challenges of living in New York. When we are shaping what we want our futures to look like, while also trying to understand who we are right now, knowing how to move forward can feel overwhelming.

Our therapists are ready to collaborate with you to find ways to take these next steps together!

How We Can Help

At MCCM Counseling we understand these challenges and have years of experience helping young professionals discover their path and get to where they want to be. Whether you’re struggling to find a better balance in your life, or a major change has taken place, these issues can lead to periods of uncertainty. As your therapist, we will work with you to discover your personal strengths and what makes you feel successful, rather than following someone else’s expectations of where you should be. A session with one of our therapists involves first listening and learning about who you are and want you want. Once we fully understand your goals, we will work together to develop strategies and empower you to make this a reality. Our goal at MCCM Counseling is to help support you through this difficult time, help you grow and develop, and help you find a path to long term success.

If you can relate to these challenges and are not sure where to start, contact us, so we can begin helping you become the you, you to want be.

Do you need help finding a better balance?